Intuitive Guidance . . . or Monkey Mind?
Have you ever had a big decision to make and you looked for intuitive guidance from your inner compass…..and you had no idea whether what you got was good insight or total ego mind chatter or even just wishful thinking?
Did you go ’round and ’round in circles, trying to figure it out?
Did it totally turn you off from ever trusting your intuition again?
If so, I can totally relate! I’ve been there and almost everyone I’ve ever talked to has been there, too.
You are not alone! And help is on the way.
Here is a quick list of the hallmarks of intuition and ego – so next time you need guidance from within, you can tell where it’s coming from!
Hallmarks of intuition
Makes sense afterward
Comes quickly
Comes in a flash with lots of info
Makes you feel light, clear, curious, accepting, neutral
BOTTOM LINE: it’s loving!
Hallmarks of ego
Not surprising
Is the logical answer
Puts you up or someone else down somehow
Makes you feel strong (pushy), successful or better than in some way
Makes you feel tight or constricted
In the comments, please add your tips for how you tell the difference between Intuition and Ego.
And remember, if you are looking for practical tools to make turning on your intuition and easy, reliable experience, please join me for my free teleseminar Intuition 101 Thursday April 10 and my online class Opening to Intuition beginning April 14. These classes will give you the foundation and practical tools for accessing clear intuitive guidance whenever you need it.
Now I want to hear from you: how do you tell the difference between Intuition and Ego?
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Make your intuition stronger, faster, better with this tip!
December 7, 2019
David Blakey.
Does it stretch my comfort level?
I love it, David!
Thanks Dr. Cara for this list. I am always asking my intuition for guidance and I am so frustrated when I don’t listen to it after I heard that voice telling me. I am actually get more frustrated when I heard the voice and then didn’t do anything about it and then ended up forgetting my notebook in a store or something like that . Thanks for your lists.
You are so welcome, Jacquie! I totally hear you about the frustration of not listening! I used to do the same thing and then finally just started to follow my guidance. But it tool that frustration to compel me to trust it – because I saw how bad things got when I didn’t! Keep following your heart!
Sabrina Bolin
Oh Cara, how I love you! This is the biggest question I ask my clients, and your list encompasses so many of the great ways to know the difference!
Expansion versus contraction is one of my favorites – our body holds such massive truth that it’s often easiest to get clear once we get out of our head and remember that the source of a lot of the stories start there anyway!
Cara Gubbins
Thanks, Sabrina! I love you, too! Thanks for the expansion versus contraction tip. Intuitive guidance does feel lighter and expansive while ego it heavier and constrictive. My friend Evan says ‘trust your gut, it knows better than you do!” and I agree! Our bodies are brilliant!