How much do you trust your intuition?
Are you feeling challenged following your intuition because you can’t explain it logically and you feel like you need a *reason* to make the choice you are making?
One of my biggest lessons in learning to trust my intuition came a few years ago when I was teaching at the college. I was scheduling a series of workshops with a department chair to lead four workshops over two weeks. For some reason as I was finalizing the dates a few days later, I felt that we should do the workshops on two Tuesdays and Thursdays and not on the Mondays and Wednesdays as we had agreed. I couldn’t explain the feeling in any logical way to her and there was no concrete reason to change the dates. So we went ahead with the Monday/Wednesday dates.
A few weeks later, I signed up for an out-of-town workshop to take myself. It ran Saturday and Sunday for the Level 1 class and the Level 2 class was on Monday. I didn’t sign up for the Level 2 class because my workshops were scheduled the same day. Over the weekend, I loved the material and was dying to take the Level 2 class, but I couldn’t because of my commitment to lead my workshop the same day.
I was literally sick to my stomach for missing that class and not following my hunch or inner guidance.
I vowed I would never do that again. (And I haven’t!)
Now, I have learned to accept my intuitive guidance and follow it even when I don’t understand it and can’t explain it. It has never steered me wrong and the more I follow it, the easier it is to trust it.
I want you to own your intuition and trust it completely, too.
If you are looking for reliable intuition that you can turn on and turn off at will, please consider joining me for my free teleseminar Intuition 101 and my online class Opening to Intuition. These will give you the foundation and practical tools for accessing clear intuitive guidance whenever you need it.
Now I want to hear from you, in the comments below please share: what would you have done about scheduling the workshops? Stick with Monday and Wednesday or switch to Tuesday and Thursday? Have you faced this dilemma yourself?
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