How can we care for our pets when we are hurting?
Many clients come to me for insight and clarity when their pets are sick or dying. They want a peaceful goodbye but they are in such pain at saying goodbye, it’s hard for them to comfort their pet during this important time.
My client Nancy was recommended to me by her vet who knew exactly what to do for the aging cat but didn’t know how to support her human client.
Nancy was stuck. She felt overwhelmed with sadness, grief, and the impending loss. She also didn’t want to hold on to her cat’s presence for too long, forcing her cat to stay alive just for her. On the other hand, she didn’t want to end his life too early.
It’s a common problem and one that I see often when end-of-life decisions need to be made.
Doing some intuitive searching, I discovered that in addition to processing the impending loss of her cat, Nancy was also processing unresolved issues from the death of beloved family member early in her childhood.
My advice to her was to take time to grieve both losses and honor the emotions as they arise. Don’t push them down, because then they get stuck and that leads to suffering, making everything harder.
I also asked Nancy’s cat what his wishes and needs were.
Armed with understanding her situation and knowing what her cat’s wishes were, Nancy was able to support herself and her cat the way they both wanted, making his passing a peaceful goodbye surrounded by love.
Now it’s your turn: Click on ‘Leave a reply’ and share your experiences and your wisdom.
Are you feeling conflicted about saying goodbye to your pet as she ages and gets ready to make her transition?
If you’ve had to say goodbye to a beloved pet, how did you support yourself as you supported your dying pet?
From "Devil" to "Spirit"
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