What is Your Super Power?
If you were to become a super hero and you could choose only one super power to have, what would it be?
I would choose psychic abilities.
I guess since I am a professional intuitive, I guess I have already chosen my super power, but I’m not a super hero yet. I still need a cape or an invisible airplane or some other cool accoutrements!
(And some bad guys, but I don’t like bad guys or being around them – hence my mild-mannered alter ego has never been called up into super hero service.)
But seriously, I love to read. And when I read, I love to read mysteries. I also love to read about women – and if the book includes a realistic heroine I can relate to, I love that even more. And, of course, I love psychics. (Can you see where I’m going with this?)
During the middle of my first year of psychic training (I’m now going into my 4th year!), I discovered a book called “Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye” at my local library. Abby Cooper is a mild-mannered psychic who gets drawn into a murder mystery when one of her clients gets killed. The psychic parts of this book were realistic and immediately I knew that this author was the real deal because I was learning and using the same energetic and psychic skills!
Thankfully, author Victoria Laurie combines all of my literary loves into one addictive series. (Sometimes not so thankfully: one of her fast-paced books was set in Las Vegas and I literally stayed up all night to finish it because I could not stop reading! It was a rough morning getting everyone fed and dressed and to school on time!)
“Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye” was followed up with nine more titles and it quickly became my favorite mystery series. the eleventh book in the series is due out this summer on July 2nd. So, if you are looking for a good read, check out Victoria Laurie and her “Psychic Eye” mystery series. Luckily for you, you still have time to read all the titles before the latest book comes out this summer.
And keep your eyes peeled: I’m planning my own psychic mystery series, but my series will be about an animal intuitive and pet medium who gets clues to solve mysteries from animals!
In the comments below, please share your favorite books and authors. And your secret (or not so secret) super power!
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Answering the Calling of My Soul
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